Navigate the accrual world with digital finesse.

Supercharge your accrual processes by leveraging end-to-end process automation.

Optimizing our accruals process with BlackLine means not having to run the reports, not having to gather the data, knowing that it’s all contained within BlackLine—it changes your life. The quality of life that it gives back to you and your people is incredible. The confidence you have in what you are presenting and your ability to research, it's night and day compared to the old Excel process.

BlackLine Customer - SiriusXM

Common Accrual Processes

Accounts Payable Accruals

An invoice is expected to be processed for this expense within the next period

Estimate Based Accruals

True-ups are required once all payments have been processed

Subsystem Accruals

Payments are made in arrears for processes like PO receipts not invoiced or payroll withholding

Revenue Accruals

Income recognition from customers who are invoiced in arrears


Why Manual Accruals Processes Are Unsustainable

Manual Processes

Are your F&A teams performing the following accrual process activities manually?

Collecting accrual process data from your general ledger or payment system

Booking and reversing accrual journal entries

Ticking and tying every transaction to its related payment or invoice

Calculating the variance between the current period accrual and the release, then recording the corresponding adjustment

Risks & Challenges

Manual accrual processes have downstream effects that carry risk and pose additional challenges:

Forgetting to reverse accruals leads to an overstatement of expenses

Applying expense to the incorrect period due to lack of precision in process

Storing and retaining supporting accrual documentation for audit purposes

Too much time spent and too many resources allocated


What BlackLine Brings to Accrual Processes

BlackLine’s unified financial close platform centralizes, standardizes, and enables continuous accounting within your accrual processes, creating increased capacity. With an automated accrual process, F&A teams can:

Import detailed transactional data from the GL, payment processors, and other data sources into BlackLine

Prepare and record new accruals based on imported data and initial accrual data

Compare accruals against actuals

Reverse accruals and record
true-ups based on automated matching results

Link adjustments to the face of the related account reconciliation

Analyze accruals through reporting and provide timely insights with increased visibility

Want to see step-by-step accrual process examples from your BlackLine peers?

Gain leading-practice automation and optimization strategies in our complimentary virtual Optimization Academy.