BlackLine Blog

March 31, 2021

Thriving in a Time of Disruption

Digital Transformation
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BlackLine Magazine

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The past 12 months have been challenging, to say the least. Businesses have had to think, re-think, and re-think again their relationships to markets, customers, employees, and investors. Many have benefitted and become better from the lessons they learned, and many of those companies are now among the leaders in signaling a new ability to emerge stronger and wiser in 2021.

Our latest issue of BlackLine Quarterly focuses on some of the lessons learned by finance and accounting teams in 2020 and anticipates a better year for 2021.

As an example, one valuable lesson is the importance of an effective work-from-home strategy for Finance and Accounting. Working Remotely: Lessons Learned From the Work-At-Home Audit details the importance of client/auditor relationships in the midst of a major disruption.

In the Storm

Many Chief Accounting Officers took on new challenges. Today’s CAO: Life at the Center of the Storm looks at how CAOs are helping their organizations work through the pandemic while still overseeing their finance and accounting responsibilities.

Meanwhile, business aspirations for growth might have slowed in 2020, but they didn’t stop. This is evidenced by growing activity in mergers and acquisitions, and growing confidence within corporate boardrooms. Increasing M&A Activity Highlights Challenges for Finance & Accounting talks about how F&A groups can best prepare for taking on new corporate entities.

Also, How Intercompany Automation & Governance Can Build Resiliency describes how BlackLine’s Intercompany Hub is helping businesses succeed in complex, multi-company initiatives.

Other stories cover topics ranging from BlackLine’s new Cash Application solution to the many opportunities available today for accountants to upgrade their skills by taking on more analytical responsibilities.

Thankfully, the threat of the pandemic is lessening. But there are, and will continue to be, plenty of other disruptions for businesses today and in the years to come.

Get your copy of BlackLine Quarterly to start moving through the current disruption and into a more productive future.

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