Internal control validation


Internal control validation

For most businesses, the end-to-end account reconciliation process for a cash account is a key internal control. It allows businesses to validate that the cash on their balance sheet is accurate and to detect fraud.

The cumulative effect of using BlackLine Financial Close Solutions is that you’re able to reconcile and substantiate your cash account balances continuously. This will result in greater efficiencies and strengthen internal controls around cash. That’s because internal and external auditors have access to underlying supporting evidence and documentation. This reduces the manual resource burden of gathering evidence for an audit and means less time responding to requests. 

Internal control validation

“We knew BlackLine would help us achieve a number of key things—transparency, efficiency, better controls. We’ve also found it’s been an enabler and a catalyst for change.”


And that’s it. 

We hope this has shown you the way forward for the end-to-end R2R process for your cash accounts. If you want to see how we’re helping businesses like yours orchestrate better automation across other workflows, be sure to stay tuned for other eBooks in this series. If you’re ready to see the platform in action, let’s talk about a personalized demo.